Monthly Bouquet Delivery with colorful seasonal blooms in Fontana, CA

Bring in the sunshine! Every home deserves a happy surprise. Let us surprise you with beautiful blooms on a regular basis.

Figure Eight Events


Bouquet Subscription

Did you know flowers had superpowers?

We offer mood lifting flower subscriptions, designed with your mental, spiritual, and emotional needs in mind with monthly floral delivery or shipping to your doorstep of beautiful locally grown blooms that are sure to enhance the atmosphere of your home.

Each bouquet is carefully curated with fresh flower blooms that speak to your heart and feed your soul. The blooms are farm fresh and often locally grown to support the supply chain that sources the floral industry.

Use these blooms to create something beautiful for you to enjoy and elevate your spirit..

Fill a Vase, Feed your Soul

$75 per month

How does it work?

  1. Select the color scheme that speaks to the type of beauty you need in your life.

  2. Schedule your month to month delivery subscription with Figure Eight Events (cancel at any time).

  3. Find a vase that you absolutely love. It should be something that brings you joy, a representation of your heart.

  4. Wait for your bouquet to arrive and create something unique to you.

Each bouquet will arrive with a care instructions, and a description of what makes it so special.

Click here to Subscribe

We believe that flowers contain the positive energies necessary for happiness and healing.

Needing some Stability? Select fragrant and fresh blooms with grounding earth tones colors for a beautiful yet relaxing moment in time.

Perhaps you are in need of some cheer or you are a naturally cheerful person, the bright citrus colored blooms are the perfect inspiration for making lemonade out of lemons.

There’s nothing quite like a colorful blend of beautiful blooms to set the mood for relaxation and pampering in any form.

Designing flowers is a spiritual process for us because we have so much respect for each flower and what it is capable of.